Digging a bit deeper into phrasing in a quest for greater self-expression.
Digging a bit deeper into phrasing in a quest for greater self-expression.
8 finger tapping opens up a world of new musical ideas, giving you the ability to play things that would normally be considered impossible.
Technique is very important, but worthless if you don`t know how to make your guitar groove.
Learning ways to substitute notes using octaves with your instructor, Mike Campese.
Andre Tonelli is here to guide you through limitations that can actually serve a useful purpose for guitar players.
It`s time to stop talking and start working with some real musical examples featuring legato phrasing.
Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess cuts to the chase to help you get to the next level.
Ysrafel`s got tips on transferring tapping ability from one string to the next.
The first part of Scott Allen`s new series designed to make the intermediate player a more well rounded soloist.
Paul Tauterouff expends even more on the flash lick concept in Part 3 of the series.
Don`t ignore your picking hand in favor of the almighty fretting hand - you`ll pay the price.
The second part of Scott Allen`s new series delves into the ways of the harmonic minor.