Guest Columnists

Displaying 553 - 564 of 1238
April-May 2005
Jeff Lawrence

Guitarist Jeff Lawrence talks about the many benefits of fretboard knowledge.

April-May 2005
A-J Charron

Guitarist A-J Charron is here with his ideas on writing from the heart (not the checkbook).

April-May 2005
Tony Koretz

Now you`ve got a good recorded acoustic guitar sound, let`s make sure it sounds good in the mix.

April-May 2005
Mike Walsh

Hess guitarist Mike Walsh has got a great use for your next spare Benjamin.

April-May 2005
John Drew

Jazz/funk/fusion guitarist John Drew guides you through the ups and downs of one representative musician`s career path.

April-May 2005
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas helps you define the role of a good guitar teacher.

April-May 2005
David LaMotte

Ready to quit your day job? Get some thoughts and advice first, from one who`s done it.

April-May 2005
Scott Tarulli

If you learn other peoples solos or listen to other people`s music, will it ruin your own creativity? Scott Tarulli gives his personal opinion.

April-May 2005
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese blazes through exercises from his all new CD, entitled "The New".

April-May 2005
David Martone

Recording a live show, what can go wrong, will go wrong, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2005
David Martone

When to crank the gain, and when to back off, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2005
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese demonstrates that you can get many unique sounds out of just one scale.


Spotlight on Interviews