Recording a CD as a gift to the prospects of my real-estate business. Recording a CD with my band: bluesband Tightrope. Recording a CD for the school of my children with school-songs. Recording all the stuff what's in my head. Recording a CD for the Henk Kraus Jazz Trio.
Fender Strat USA de Luxe (1963, 1972). Gibson Les Paul Standard. Ibanez Jazz. Egmond (Dutch, 1969). Shergold.
Doepfer MK3 Pro MIDI Masterkeyboard. Hammond XB-2. Yamaha DX-7 and DX-11.
Sound modules
Akai S-6000 full options studio pro-sampler, Yamaha TX-7 (2x), Roland D-110, U-110, U220, JV-880, MT32, Voce DM-64.