Guitar Nine Columns

Displaying 1597 - 1638 of 4221

Enjoy over 25 years of staff columns, guest columns, interviews and more!

October-November 2006
Robert Walker

Most guitarist are predominantly one or the other. Here`s some ways to achieve some balance.

October-November 2006
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas helps you to both figure out, and master, the neck.

October-November 2006
Randy Ellefson

Guitarist Randy Ellefson hopes you never need this article. But if you do, read on.

October-November 2006
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney is back to help influence your priorities.

October-November 2006
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab helps you write a cover letter, complee with a prototype and instructions.

October-November 2006
Guy Pople

Guy Pople delves into independence and rudimentary music theory.

October-November 2006
Guglielmo Malusardi

Having Steve Vai`s name associated with my project helped my credibility in the guitar community. I have a lot of respect for Steve, not only as a musician but as a businessman. I knew I could learn a lot - and I have!

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

A Master Of The 7-String

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Progressive, Hard & Melodic

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Rock That Hits You In The Gut

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Live At The Key West Bar

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

A Musical Concept Of Reality

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Total Italian Heaviosity

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Somewhat Satriani-esqe Instro Rock

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine

Sharing His Instrumentals On The Net

October-November 2006
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine Records October-November 2006 newsletter.

December-January 2006
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney teaches you to be analytical about alleged personal attacks.

December-January 2006
Sean Farrington

A well maintained and growing email list can be a mighty, mighty tool.

December-January 2006
Patrick DeCoste

A quick look at various picking techniques.

December-January 2006
Tom Hess Opus 2

Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess was a bad student too, but he got his act together, and you can as well.

December-January 2006
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab shows that access to the audience mean you need to know who`s guarding the gate.

December-January 2006
Paul Chase

A story of one humongous traveling guitar.

December-January 2006
David Wright

Complex music requires thought and preplanning in order to get the best results.

December-January 2006
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone`s most recent Atlantic clinic tour debrief.

December-January 2006
John Baboian

How to avoid "wrong notes" on your way to creating interesting, improvised lines.

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Staying True To The Music

December-January 2006
Tony Koretz

Fitting those killer electric guitar tracks into the mix at mixdown.

December-January 2006
Paul Tauterouff

Can you cure a case of guitar hero "Clone-itus?" Here`s some cure-all.

December-January 2006
Guglielmo Malusardi

I don`t care if things could go wrong because the most important thing is that someone like Mike Varney believes in me and in my music.

December-January 2006
Guy Pople

Understanding how a key can be made to reveal its chordal treasure is invaluable knowledge.

December-January 2006
Guitar Haus

Since instrumental guitar music isn`t a big seller, it gets short changed quite often. As a matter of fact, finding the Guitar Nine website was a revelation to me. I didn`t realize there were so many musicians doing instrumental music.

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Cerebrally Extracted Quirky Ideas

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Blending His Diverse Influences

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Way Cool Improvisations

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Rollin' Down The Highway

December-January 2006
Guitar Nine

Flamenco, Balkan, Persian & More
