Guitar Nine Columns

Displaying 1513 - 1554 of 4220

Enjoy over 25 years of staff columns, guest columns, interviews and more!

April-May 2006
Christopher Knab

Music industry consultant Christopher Knab discusses what can happen if you get the industry`s attention.

April-May 2006
Tim Sweeney

Motivation. Where did it go? Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney can help you reconnect with your passion.

April-May 2006
Tom Hess Opus 2

Here`s how to spark the inspirational flame, and reignite your inner fire.

April-May 2006
Sean Farrington

Strategies that successful independent artists use day in and day out to profit from their passion for music.

April-May 2006
Danny Jones

Danny Jones is back with licks that will help you break the scale pattern syndrome.

April-May 2006
Alan Williamson

UK guitarist Alan Williamson shows you how to use more fingers, tones and frets in your licks.

April-May 2006
Jason Sadites

Can you deliver interesting and musical solos? Do it by looking for ways to add more variety.

April-May 2006
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese serves up a blended scale you can use to set your music apart from the ordinary.

April-May 2006
Guitar Haus

I just love instrumental guitar music. There is something great about hearing somebody write music that will keep people`s interest without having the vocal to rely on.

April-May 2006
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas with an insightful answer to a common question.

April-May 2006
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone talks about easy drum sound replacement.

April-May 2006
Guitar Nine

Easy Flowing Rock, Blues, Country Mix

April-May 2006
Martin Schmidt

Instrumental music kind of reminds me of little orchestra or classical pieces, because there`s so much information going on. It`s a challenge to do, it`s really hard to do that stuff.

April-May 2006
Martin Schmidt

I started to get calls from different record labels, they had interest in me, but at the end of the day the didn`t know what to do with me, because it`s not really jazz, although it`s jazzy, it`s not really blues, but bluesy.

April-May 2006
Guitar Nine

Driven Towards Neo-Classical Excellence

April-May 2006
Guitar Nine

Two-Handed Instrumental Fusion

April-May 2006
Guitar Nine

Mad Sammarinese Instrumentalist

April-May 2006
Will Landrum

G9er Will Landrum is back with more ways to use the beloved arpreggio.

April-May 2006
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine Records April-May 2006 newsletter.

June-July 2006
Christopher Knab

Music industry consultant Christopher Knab offers invaluable advice and nutritious food for thought.

June-July 2006
Tim Sweeney

Why do a relatively small number of your fans attend your gigs? Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney offers his studied opinions.

June-July 2006
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

One of the best ways to memorize your scales on the neck and help you break out of the patterns you have been stuck in.

June-July 2006
Sean Farrington

Strategies that successful independent artists use day in and day out to profit from their passion for music.

June-July 2006
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess urges you to get beyond `guitarist` and `musician` to uncover the `artist` within.

June-July 2006
DC Slater

How to produce recordings that sound great and are easy on the ears.

June-July 2006
Guy Pople

If it has ever crossed your mind to have a go, or you just feel vaguely dissatisfied with 6 strings, then read this.

June-July 2006
Danny Jones

Danny Jones is back, taking wide interval links and making cool runs out of 'em.

June-July 2006
David Martone

Here`s why you leave mastering to the masters, by Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2006
Guitar Haus

That`s the beauty of instrumental music, when listening to it, you can imagine or feel whatever you want.

June-July 2006
Guglielmo Malusardi

When I turned 19 I realized that I was in love with guitar and I wasn`t doing anything else but practicing all day. Only then I understood that nothing could make me any happier than music!

June-July 2006
Guitar Nine

Deliberately Seeking The Low End

June-July 2006
Guitar Nine

8 String-Driven Singer/Songwriter
