Guitar Nine Columns: Guest Columnists

Displaying 673 - 714 of 1218

Enjoy over 25 years of staff columns, guest columns, interviews and more!

February-March 2007
Robert Walker

It`s easy than you think to play the fool.

February-March 2007
Scott Allen

Regular rehearsals and practice sessions can help take you to the next level.

February-March 2007
Mr. Moe

Using simple guitar overdubs to great effect.

February-March 2007
Adam Moore

Stimulate your guitar practice and composition by finding alternative angles and methods of reinterpretation.

February-March 2007
David Martone

Direct from Brainworks, more useful tips on miking up a full drum kit, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

February-March 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess lays out an effective, step-by-step plan for developing speed.

February-March 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney asks, "Are you including your new and existing fans, or are you excluding them?

February-March 2007
Patrick DeCoste

Patrick DeCoste discusses the essential art of two handed muting.

February-March 2007
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab shows there are only two grades on a music retail report card - either you sold records or you didn`t.

April-May 2007
German Schauss

Think in terms of five, as you work on these 3+2 ideas.

April-May 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess with ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.

April-May 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney helps you get through to writers and reviewers at newspapers, magazines and web sites.

April-May 2007
Patrick DeCoste

Patrick DeCoste is back to help you push the boundaries of harmonics.

April-May 2007
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab reminds you that it takes money to make money with your music.

April-May 2007
David Martone

Want to make some extra money with your project studio? Check in with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

April-May 2007
Terry Syrek

Terry Syrek will slap you silly if you even attempt a wank tap.

April-May 2007
Paul Nelson

An inside look at how one key can affect the sound of another.

June-July 2007
David Martone

Here`s a great way to fatten up any guitar tone, with Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2007
German Schauss

Give your picking a boost with German`s crazy ideas.

June-July 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney suggests making your next live show an event.

June-July 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess with even more ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.

April-May 2007
Patrick DeCoste

Patrick DeCoste returns to bring music theory to life.

June-July 2007
Metal Mike Chlasciak

Have trouble fitting the "biz" into your daily life as a musician? Check out Metal Mike`s advice.

June-July 2007
Mike Philippov

Before you come down for one technique or another, check out Philippov`s discussion on the issue.

June-July 2007
Scott Allen

Here`s some ideas to help you reach the front gate of shredhood.

June-July 2007

The process and benefits of writing down and charting specific details of the things the composer wishes to express is explained.

June-July 2007
William Wiegand

Examples and tips intended to help everybody who seeks ways to improve on their instrument.

August-September 2007
David Martone

Travels with your musical tour guide, Canadian guitarist David Martone.

August-September 2007
Randy Ellefson

How to keep your performance but change the ampís sound after the fact.

August-September 2007
Michael Knight

Michael Knight looks at some activities for versatile composition and soloing.

August-September 2007
Scott Allen

What does it mean for one`s playing to be considered original? Let`s find out.

August-September 2007
Ioannis Anastassakis

Enlist those underutilized picking hand fingers to facilitate string skipping and wider intervals.

August-September 2007
Mike Philippov

Here are seven common problems guitarists encounter when learning to sweep pick, and what you can do about them.

August-September 2007

The second part of the process and benefits of writing down and charting specific details of the things the composer wishes to express is explained.

August-September 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney recommends cooperation, instead of competition.

August-September 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess with his third installment on ideas on selecting and using a compositional process that works best for you.

October-November 2007
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney urges you focus on the messages and ideas your music provokes.

October-November 2007
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess with his fourth installment on songwriting, with more advanced, yet simple and overlooked concepts.

October-November 2007
Scott Allen

Exploring the best use of swept arpeggios in a rock guitar player`s bag of tricks.

October-November 2007
Sander Owen

Check out Sander Owen`s ultimate guide for the impatient and willfully weak musician.

October-November 2007
Todd Caron

If you`re sitting there with a pick in your hand, throw it away, you won`t need it.

October-November 2007

A theory borrowed from psychology but adapted by the author to the musical realm.
