Guest Columnists

Displaying 589 - 600 of 1238
October-November 2005
Tom Hess Opus 2

Neo-classical guitarist Tom Hess helps you to identify those inevitable weak areas in your playing.

October-November 2005
Danny Jones

Want to break out of the blues rut? Danny Jones offers some great starting points.

October-November 2005
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Get out your brooms and... no wait, check that - here are Mike`s hottest sweep picking techniques.

October-November 2005
Mike Walsh

Hess guitarist Mike Walsh offers great tips for accurate self expression.

October-November 2005
Neil March

Where can a music lover currently find diversity in music programming? The answer may surprise you.

October-November 2005
David Martone

Using your feet to get great sounding tracks, presented by Canadian guitarist David Martone.

December-January 2005
Christopher Knab

Music industry consultant Christopher Knab talks about arguably the most important aspect of a music artist`s career.

December-January 2005
Tim Sweeney

Are you losing thousands by not knowing more about your fans? Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney gives some real world examples.

December-January 2005
Sven Stichter

Scare your audience (or even make someone hurl) with this ascending (yet descending) pattern.

December-January 2005
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Here are Mike`s sweep picking techniques applied to a revered classical caprice.

December-January 2005
Tom Hess Opus 2

How will you achieve what you really want (goals) without knowing why you want them, and how you will get there (plans)? Let`s discuss.

December-January 2005
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas helps you get beyond "moving fingers" to actually "making music".


Spotlight on Interviews